Direcţiile prioritare în dezvoltarea auditului din Republica Moldova

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Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei
Research Projects
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IACHIMOVSCHI, Anatolie. Direcţiile prioritare în dezvoltarea auditului din Republica Moldova. In: Contabilitatea, auditul și analiza economică între conformitate, schimbare și performanță: conf. şt. intern., 02 apr. 2015. Chişinău: ASEM, 2015, pp. 215-219. ISBN 978-9975-75-750-8.
In this article the author's opinion exposed in identify in gandad dressing the main directions of development of local audit. Thus, at the moment isvery important for the audit of Moldova improving the regulatory framework, quality assurance audit profession and streng the ning key institutions responsible for this activity. The author comesup with some suggestions in shaping the priority directions of the audit based on the problems faced by the activity. JEL: M-42. responsible for this activity. The author comesup with some suggestions in shaping the priority directions of the audit based on the problems faced by the activity. JEL: M-42.
auditor, activitate de audit, asigurarea calităţii, sistemul de supraveghere, standarde profesionale, audit obligatoriu