Linguistic globalization in the 21st century: anglicisation from idiolect to higher education

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ROȘCOVAN, Nina, DODU-GUGEA, Larisa, STAVER, Liliana. Linguistic globalization in the 21st century: anglicisation from idiolect to higher education. In: Multilingvism și Interculturalitate în Contextul Globalizării [online]: Masa rotundă: Culegere de articole. Ediţia a 3-a, 27 mai 2022. Chişinău: ASEM, 2023. pp. 87-99. ISBN 978-9975-147-83-5 (PDF).
The paper considers the phenomenon of Anglicization as a being related to the impact of English as a Lingua Franca on the lexical layers of other languages from the standpoint of the need of unification and standardization of terminological layers (necessary borrowings) and on the other hand by the stylistic enrichment of the vocabulary (luxury borrowings). Therefore, linguistic globalization is regarded as a global intensive lexical borrowing from English by languages whose speakers use English as a foreign language. Politically and socially, it concerns the status of English as a "language of globalization", proven by scientific, political, statistical and sociolinguistic arguments. Furthermore, higher education has also been impacted by the process of Anglicization as one of the main tasks is to prepare students for effective intercultural communication in a global, intercultural environment. The present paper aims to provide an analysis of the process of Anglicisation in its transition from an individual phenomenon (idiolect) to the national and international system of higher education, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. CZU 811.111`373:378; JEL: F6, I2, O3, Z1; DOI
linguistic globalisation, intercultural communication, intercultural competence, Anglicisms, sociolect, idiolect, lexical borrowings, necessary borrowings, luxury borrowings, higher education