Publication: Egalitatea de şanse din perspectiva accesului la educaţie şi la informative
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Ghinculov, Silvia. Egalitatea de şanse din perspectiva accesului la educaţie şi la informative / Silvia Ghinculov // Conferință internațională „Promovarea egalității de șanse în educație și cultură: rolul bibliotecilor”, 12 decembrie 2013. - Chișinău, 2014. - P. 116-124. - ISBN 978-9975-75-682-2.
The article is devoted to issues of equal opportunities in terms of access to education and information. Services for educational institutions and libraries are focused on the individual, are changing dynamically depending on your needs, and is based on democratic values. University libraries have accumulated a large arsenal of forms and methods of work with users and as a social institution specific focus on current and potential values for each user becomes a translator of these values for others, social groups and society as a whole.
The article is devoted to issues of equal opportunities in terms of access to education and information. Services for educational institutions and libraries are focused on the individual, are changing dynamically depending on your needs, and is based on democratic values. University libraries have accumulated a large arsenal of forms and methods of work with users and as a social institution specific focus on current and potential values for each user becomes a translator of these values for others, social groups and society as a whole.
equality, partnership gender, education, educational institutions, library, European values, users of information