Direcţii de perfecţionare a gestiunii riscului operaţional în bănci

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MISTREAN, Larisa, STRATIENCO, Doina. Direcţii de perfecţionare a gestiunii riscului operaţional în bănci. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: materiale/teze: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept. 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, pp. 67-70. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-934-2.
Insofar as it exists and is realized, the operational risk poses a particular problem, the speed with which its effects occur and the way it is reflected in the results of the bank's activity, on the costs and the banking profit. That's why risk’s identification is absolutely necessary to find the most effective mitigation measures. Knowing the likelihood of this risk in time is very important because it gives the bank the opportunity to mobilize resources and take appropriate measures to ensure effective operational risk management. If the other risks, credit, interest rate risk, etc., can be avoided, by taking concrete measures (additional guarantees, creation of provisions, etc.) for operational risk no measures could be taken to totally avoid it (as in the case of credit risk) because the "sources" of the emergence of operational risk are very diversified, I also expect the financial impact it produces on banks is equally diverse, from internal losses to external losses and losses financial nature to loss of moral, reputation, etc. JEL: G21
financial institution, banks, operational risk, Basel II Agreement, risk management, financial result, banking system