Gender mapping of ongoing reforms in the Republic of Moldova

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PETROIA, Andrei, ZADNIPRU, Rodica. Gender mapping of ongoing reforms in the Republic of Moldova. In: Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy [online]: 26th International Scientific Conference: Conference Proceeding, September 23-24, 2022. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 426-437. ISBN 978-9975-3590-6-1 (PDF).
On September 2015, the Republic of Moldova, along with other 192 members of the UN, committed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, by adopting the Declaration of the Summit on Sustainable Development. The national policy agenda is only partially aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and one third of SDGs targets are not included in any of the national policy papers. Based on SDGs, the Government developed, approved and submitted to Parliament the National Development Strategy “European Moldova 2030”. At the same time, a number of sectorial strategies and programs were approved for the period until 2021 or 2022, which also provides for the adoption of urgent measures to revise them for the next period. Successful implementation of SDGs depends on how flexible the strategic planning framework is, that is now quite problematic in Moldova. Republic of Moldova has too many policy papers, which often overlap and contradict each other, are not properly monitored and assessed, and the responsibilities among implementing partners are not clearly shared and integrated into the budgetary planning processes. One of the possibilities to mainstream gender aspects in national reforms is modification of current national legislation, which would oblige public authorities (central and local) to develop and promote their strategic documents with taking into account women’s rights. The research examines the sector of public policy reform in the Republic of Moldova by mapping existing public policy documents – strategies and programs – through the lens of gender. CZU: [342.722:316.346.2]:338(478); JEL: A13, E62, H52, H53, H61, H75, I18, I28, I38, J16, J88, O11; DOI:
public policy, gender mapping, budgetary-fiscal policy, reforms, Sustainable Development Goals