Publication: Fondul forestier al României – încotro? Managementul resurselor naturale în România
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Publicat in: Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională "Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii", 22-23 septembrie 2017. - Chișinău, 2017. - Vol.1. - P. 302-306. - Bibliogr.: p. 306 (4 tit.). E-ISBN 978-9975-75-893-2.
The forest area is a public good that is part of the state and is managed by an entity, in Romania’s case Romsilva, company that is situated as responsibility under the central administration and has as main purpose managing the forest area, in our case part of the Romanian territory. This paper shows the actual situation from Romania, from all sides, legal, economic, ecological and human and offers an overview of the situation.
The forest area is a public good that is part of the state and is managed by an entity, in Romania’s case Romsilva, company that is situated as responsibility under the central administration and has as main purpose managing the forest area, in our case part of the Romanian territory. This paper shows the actual situation from Romania, from all sides, legal, economic, ecological and human and offers an overview of the situation.
fond forestier, managementul resurselor naturale, România, păduri