Publication: Model şi algoritm stocastic de proiectare a ofertei în sistemele de producţie în cazul cererii aleatoare
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BLANUŢA, Ştefan, GODONOAGĂ, Anatol. Model şi algoritm stocastic de proiectare a ofertei în sistemele de producţie în cazul cererii aleatoare. In: Competitivitate şi inovare în economia cunoaşterii [online]: conf. șt. intern., ed. a 21-a: Lucrări ştiinţifice, 27-28 sept., 2019. Chişinău: ASEM, 2019, pp. 660-663. ISBN 978-9975-75-968-7.
The paper considers some decision-making aspects of the production systems that operate under risk conditions. The risk being conditioned by the random nature of the demand with respect to the offered goods. In order to identify the optimal decision variant, a numerical algorithm based on the generalized gradient method is proposed. JEL: C02, C61.
The paper considers some decision-making aspects of the production systems that operate under risk conditions. The risk being conditioned by the random nature of the demand with respect to the offered goods. In order to identify the optimal decision variant, a numerical algorithm based on the generalized gradient method is proposed. JEL: C02, C61.
profit, non-differentiable model, algorithm, generalized gradient