Information literacy - a strategic objective in the activity of ASEM Scientific Library

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
HABAŞESCU, Silvia, PANCRATOV, Elena, STUDZINSCHI, Svetlana, IAROVAIA, Alla. Information literacy - a strategic objective in the activity of ASEM scientific library = Cultura informaţiei - obiectiv strategic în activitatea Bibliotecii Știinţifice ASEM. In: MISISQ: Implicare. Creativitate. Durabilitate = MISISQ: Involvement. Creativity. Sustainability: materialele conf. intern, 27-28 sept., 2018, Chişinău, Republica Moldova. Bălţi: S. n., 2018, pp. 246-249. ISBN 978-9975-50-226-9.
The article aims to elucidate the activity in the field of Information Literacy which is focused on satisfaction the information needs of users through the promotion of innovative services; developing information skills ; accepting a collective policy in order to direct users to the right research methods; defining the information needs through the user's permanent training. The authors present the experience of forming the Information Literacy on the various academic segments and the actions taken to satisfy the information and documentation requirements in the field of scientific research and training of the beneficiaries. CZU: 027.7:378.1.
Information Literacy, university library, university curriculum, scientific research