Publication: Contextul european şi internaţional al globalizării economiei
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BĂLU, Evelina, NASTASE, Gabriel, GOLE, Iulian. Contextul european şi internaţional al globalizării economiei. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: conf. şt. intern., 22-23 sept., 2017: Culegere de articole. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 4, pp. 24-27. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-899-4.
In the 1990s there was an unstable economic climate that was scaled worldwide and influenced by the continuous pseudo-crisis seen in all developed economies, especially in Europe between 1991 and 1993. After WWII, the GDP of the global economy and the developed markets had a year on year pace of only 0,4%/year. The European economy started growing after 1994 until the year 2000, and exploded at a pace of 2,5-3,5%/year until the 2007 economic crisis. This paper analysis the need to better understand the phenomenon of globalization and shaping it for a better approach.
In the 1990s there was an unstable economic climate that was scaled worldwide and influenced by the continuous pseudo-crisis seen in all developed economies, especially in Europe between 1991 and 1993. After WWII, the GDP of the global economy and the developed markets had a year on year pace of only 0,4%/year. The European economy started growing after 1994 until the year 2000, and exploded at a pace of 2,5-3,5%/year until the 2007 economic crisis. This paper analysis the need to better understand the phenomenon of globalization and shaping it for a better approach.
globalizare economică, Uniunea Europeană