Asigurarea accesului comunității academice la resursele informaționale ştiinţifice pe timp de pandemie: schimb de bune practici

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HABAȘESCU, Silvia. Asigurarea accesului comunității academice la resursele informaționale ştiinţifice pe timp de pandemie: schimb de bune practici. Magazin bibliologic. 2021, nr.1-2, pp. 61-65. ISSN 1857-1476.
The article reflects the experience of the Scientific Library of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova to present the offer of electronic resources available in the library and with the help of it. The LibUniv shared electronic catalog on the ExLibris Primo platform is the efficient system for search, retrieving and operatively providing of information. The author refers to her experience of creating Information Culture classes and present-ing them online in the MOODLE system. CZU 027.7:004 ; DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4636943.
information resources, electronic catalog, information culture