The power of self or the „SELF TO SELF” oriented axis in the relationship with professional balance

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ZUBENSCHI, Mariana. The power of self or the „SELF TO SELF” oriented axis in the relationship with professional balance. CSIE Working Papers Series. June 2018, issue 9, pp. 6-18. ISSN 2537-6187.
This article is devoted to the investigation of human-organization space from an eco-human perspective by maintaining the balance between positive and negative effects, as well as adjusting the own resources and internal careers to the requirements of the professional environment. The general objective of the study was to investigate the relationships between career anchors and psychosocial factors in the professional environment of the "Self" axis. The „Self” axis has an internal meaning, and is made up of the factors that influence it in the professional relationship with the self. The general objective of the study is to examine the specifics of the professional environment, given by the profile of the career anchors. The proposed specific objectives have taken into account the moderator role of the anchors of the careers shown in the researches of scholars: Schein, Bart, Feldman, Bolino, Wills, Brawn, Obi, Yueran, Liu, Öngen, Munir, Nielsen, Jafri and others, as well as a guarantee of professional balance. The consonance of professional psychosocial factors, to the internal and external aspects of the specific careers in service system for humanity, it is play the role of an useful strategy in the design of the career path in the current conditions of life, and the qualitative contribution of the interdisciplinary of the research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the studied phenomenon, in a polyvalent and pragmatic weighted configuration. The sample consisted of 287 participants from three professional fields: medicine, education and social work. Based on the preliminary statistical analysis, by ANOVA method, the high levels of age, professional field, gender, level of education, graduation year and work place where identified p <0.001.
professional balance, the purpose of serving, autonomy and independence, pure provocation, health, vitality, stress