Comparative approaches regarding the development of regional statistics (based on data from Bacau county, Romania and centre region, the Republic of Moldova). Summary of PhD thesis in Economics.

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Summary of PhD thesis in Economics. Speciality: 523.02 ECONOMIC STATISTICS. Scientific adviser: PÂRŢACHI Ion - Doctor in Economics, university professor, ASEM.
CONCEPTUAL REFERENCES OF THE RESEARCH. Timeliness and the importance of the research. One of the main factors contributing to the economic growth of a country is currently the development of regions, as an important "actor" of economic and social markets in world economies. The European Union's regional policy is considered the key element in the appearance of statistical areas and the development of regional statistics. In this respect, the essential role of regional statistics is to measure the regional socio-economic situation, which allows both the making of the best decisions in regional and national policy and the grounding of intervention criteria at regional level. Regional development is a current, real process that requires knowledge, analysis, diagnosis and can be interpreted statistically. We are currently facing insufficient research in the field of comparative approaches regarding regional statistical developments, the evolution and impact of its development in grounding the best regional development decisions. The research problem is the impossibility of performing international, regional, dynamic and structural comparative analysis, due to the lack of statistical data in the indicators’ system, the existence of different methodologies, the dissemination of different statistical indicators determined on the same fields but which do not help with the making of comparisons or the determining of derived indicators, their limited availability, their variability. The aim of the research is to make a comparative analysis of the development of regional statistics in terms of statistical indicators determined and disseminated for the two countries, and mainly based on the existing statistical data in Bacau County from Romania in parallel to statistical indicators calculated and disseminated for the Central Region of the Republic of Moldova, indicators based on a similar methodology, while performing an analysis of existing correspondences between the names of statistical indicators calculated and disseminated on-line and the most detailed administrative-territorial levels of their availability.
statistics, data sources, official statistics, statistical regions, regional development, statistical indicators, online dissemination, dissemination levels, correspondence analysis