Publication: Stimularea muncii ca factor hotărâtor în sporirea competitivității întreprinderii
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PETROVICI, Sergiu. Stimularea muncii ca factor hotărâtor în sporirea competitivității întreprinderii. În: Competitivitate şi inovare în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de rezumate: conf. şt. intern., 25-26 sept. 2020. Ediţia a 22-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 16-19. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-986-1.
The article analyzes the indicators of work stimulation and their contribution brought in increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Also there are presented the material and moral forms of motivating to succesfully complete the task of the workers at the enterprise. CZU: 339.138: 663.2 (478) (043)
The article analyzes the indicators of work stimulation and their contribution brought in increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Also there are presented the material and moral forms of motivating to succesfully complete the task of the workers at the enterprise. CZU: 339.138: 663.2 (478) (043)
competitiveness, market stimulation, inflation, work productivity, activity coefficient, material reward, social reward, full competitiveness coefficient, the quality of work