Publication: Influenţa politicii de contabilitate asupra poziţiei financiare a entităţii
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Tipografia "CRIO"
LAZARI, Liliana, ŢURCANU, Liliana. Influenţa politicii de contabilitate asupra poziţiei financiare a entităţii. In: Contabilitatea şi auditul în contextul integrării economice europene: progrese şi aşteptări = Accounting and audit in the context of european economic integration: advancements and expectations: conf. şt. intern., 5 apr. 2013. Chişinău: S. n., 2013, pp. 134-136. ISBN 978-9975-4242-7-1.
The selection of the accounting policies is the paramount factor for the image of one company. Choosing between one or another accouning policy will lead to distinct results in the financial stratements and furthermore to different economic-financial ratios.
The selection of the accounting policies is the paramount factor for the image of one company. Choosing between one or another accouning policy will lead to distinct results in the financial stratements and furthermore to different economic-financial ratios.
politica de contabilitate, entitate, performanţa financiară, reglementarea contabilă