RAPEX –instrument de securizare a consumului mărfurilor nealimentare pe piaţa europeană

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Publicat in: Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională "Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii", 22-23 septembrie 2017. - Chișinău, 2017. - Vol.1. - P. 206-210. - Bibliogr.: p. 210 (5 tit.). E-ISBN 978-9975-75-893-2.
Safety tools for goods placed on the EU market establish consumer protection objectives and identify product safety features. Within the EU, product safety legislation has seen several stages of evolution: the traditional approach or the "old approach"; "New Approach"; new legislative framework - "new approach" and "global approach"; The New Legislative Framework (NLP) endorsed the "Blue Guide" in July 2016. This document implements the EU product rules set out in the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95 / EC, which guarantees the safety of consumer goods placed on market. RAPEX, rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products, is a European Community consumer information tool. It is a result of the application of the GPSD. Objective: The research was conducted to assess the effectiveness of implementing RAPEX Rapid Alert Tools based on the results of the past years 2015-2016. Research methods. The research is based upon the statistical information and community legislation which regulates this area. The principle of transparency has allowed access to the most up-to-date information on the web pages of the EU official bodies. The results were systematized and put into the foreground the experience of the tool for ensuring the safety of consumption of non-food goods, guarantee the safety of the industrial products. Their compliance with the adopted requirements ensures the protection of public interests, but also the proper functioning of the single market. JEL CLASSIFICATION: L 51
product safety, "global approach", "blue guide", rapid alert system for non-food hazardous products