Publication: Resursele regenerabile în contextul dezvoltării urbane durabile
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GUŢU, Corneliu, ANGHELUŢĂ, Petrică Sorin, BADEA, Carmen Georgiana. Resursele regenerabile în contextul dezvoltării urbane durabile. În: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 329-335. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.
The urban area is of increasing importance for the sustainable economy. Due to urban growth, cities have an increased role in combating climate change. Recycling and waste reduction actions can contribute to sustainable urban development. In this context, the article presents an analysis of information on renewable energy. Both the global population growth and the increase in world economic output influence the Earth's resources. From this point of view, meeting people's needs should be done by maintaining natural systems. Human resources participate in the sustainable development of society. Lack of human resources can lead to imbalances in the labour market. The article presents the evolution of the urban population in Romania. JEL: Q01, Q20.
The urban area is of increasing importance for the sustainable economy. Due to urban growth, cities have an increased role in combating climate change. Recycling and waste reduction actions can contribute to sustainable urban development. In this context, the article presents an analysis of information on renewable energy. Both the global population growth and the increase in world economic output influence the Earth's resources. From this point of view, meeting people's needs should be done by maintaining natural systems. Human resources participate in the sustainable development of society. Lack of human resources can lead to imbalances in the labour market. The article presents the evolution of the urban population in Romania. JEL: Q01, Q20.
European Union, Romania, renewable resources, sustainable development