Publication: Studiul eficienţei de marketing a activităţilor de cercetare-dezvoltare şi inovare în întreprinderile industriale
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ERHAN, Maxim, SAHARNEAN, Liliana. Studiul eficienţei de marketing a activităţilor de cercetare-dezvoltare şi inovare în întreprinderile industriale. În: Simpozion științific internațional al tinerilor cercetători: Materiale/Teze. Ediția a 16-a, 27-28 aprilie 2018. Chișinău: ASEM, 2018, pp.105-106. ISBN 978-9975-75-927-4.
This paper presents an study marketing efficiency of Research and Development and innovation in industrial enterprises. There are presented the efficiency methods for research-development and innovation in marketing with the involvement of a technology transfer that can generate a new products or improve certain components of production. Innovative effective marketing bases from industrial enterprises are present.
This paper presents an study marketing efficiency of Research and Development and innovation in industrial enterprises. There are presented the efficiency methods for research-development and innovation in marketing with the involvement of a technology transfer that can generate a new products or improve certain components of production. Innovative effective marketing bases from industrial enterprises are present.
efficiency of marketing, research-development and innovation, innovation of marketing, technology transfer