Abordarea integrată a sistemelor de monitorizare a riscurilor bancare

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COCIUG, Victoria, POSTOLACHE, Victoria. Abordarea integrată a sistemelor de monitorizare a riscurilor bancare. CSIE Working Papers Series. March 2017, issue 4, pp. 12-20. ISSN 2537-6187.
The study of essentially banking risks was the basis to note that the risk is the historical category that requires understanding when making a decision in a certain situation in the presence of an alternative, which does not give confidence in obtaining a positive result after the implementation of the decision. Maintenance of a banking institution, must be put to a number of principles: awareness of risk-taking, handling, consistency, comparability of the level of exposure to the level of profitability of operations and its financial capacity of the bank, management efficiency, time-based operations and benchmarks banking strategy, accounting risk transfer opportunities.
banking risks, banking strategy, bank monitoring, financial crisis, BASEL III