Relevanța calității politicilor contabile în misiunea de audit și impactul acestora asupra competitivității entităților

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
ȘOIMU, Sergiu, BĂDICU, Galina, SOCOLIUC, Mihaela Ionela. Relevanța calității politicilor contabile în misiunea de audit și impactul acestora asupra competitivității entităților. In: Provocările contabilităţii în viziunea tinerilor cercetători [online]: culeg. de articole șt.: conf. șt. intern., 12-13 martie 2020. Ed. a 4-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 87-98. ISBN 978-9975-75-981-6.
In a highly competitive environment, which requires continuous transformation, the maintenance and development of the entities' activities is possible only by achieving a certain degree of competitiveness. In order to be competitive, entities must adapt to the new conditions imposed by the global market by making the necessary decisions based on financial accounting information. The usefulness of decisions to increase competitiveness depends on the quality of financial accounting information. If this information does not comply with the economic transactions that generated, it or are incorrectly processed, then the results obtained are not as expected. According to the latest changes in national accounting legislation, the responsibility attributed to professional judgment, fairness and experimentation in accounting, in order to develop accounting policies is eloquent, because it provides security to reflect, in financial statements, economic truth. This activity becomes a prerequisite for ensuring qualitative, transparent and, above all, comparable financial and accounting information, on the basis of which the most advantageous possible economic decisions can be taken, which are required to eliminate deficiencies and consolidate good results. In this context, the study aims at an extensive theoretical and pragmatic research of current issues regarding the relevance of accounting policies in the audit mission, the purpose of which is to obtain a reasonable level of assurance, which gives the auditor the opportunity to express himself. a positive opinion according to which the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting and tax provisions, as well as their impact on the competitiveness of the entities. The motivation that led the authors to address this issue is the importance and permanence of selected, appropriate and consistent accounting policies. The research methodology is documentary in order to present the impact of accounting policies, under the influence of new regulations on the quality criteria of financial information. JEL: M41, M42
accounting policies, audit, entity