Remunerarea muncii personalului medical în instituțiile medico-sanitare publice

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ȚURCANU, Viorel, FRUMUSACHI, Ludmila. Remunerarea muncii personalului medical în instituțiile medico-sanitare publice. In: Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională “Provocările contabilităţii în viziunea tinerilor cercetători” [online], 15 martie 2018, Ed. a 2-a: culeg. de lucări șt. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, pp. 8-13. ISBN 978-9975-75-923-6.
The medical personnel is the key element in the insurance of a good activity of the health system. The motivation and benefits insufficiency, unsatisfactory work conditions, and the underdevelopment of the physical infrastructure, as well as the lack of the modern medical equipment, make the fitting and the maintenance of the medical personnel within the health institutions. The new payment system of the medical personnel within the public health institutions (IMSP) is based on the individual professional work performances and on the quality of the effectuated work. The only real purpose of performance measurement is to improve the performance. JEL. M41
salariu, indicatori de performanță, instituții medico-sanitare, sistemul de sănătate, comisia de validare, comisia de evaluare