Publication: Evoluția depozitării bancare în conjunctura economică-financiară actuală
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GOLBUREAN, Mihaela. Evoluția depozitării bancare în conjunctura economică-financiară actuală = The evolution of banking deposits in the current economicfinancial conjunction. În: Simpozion Ştiinţific Internaţional al Tinerilor Cercetători (16-17 aprilie 2021) [online]: Lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 19-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, vol. 3, pp. 261-264. ISBN 978-9975-155-43-4.
At the moment, banks use the traditional financing model, focused on attracting deposits from the population, this being the main form of mobilization of capital and savings currently available. With the appearance and spread of Covid-19 virus, the Republic of Moldova faced extremely severe challenges with negative economic and social consequences. As a result, the activity of the banking system was disrupted, leaving its mark on macroeconomic indicators. Maintaining the long-term growth trend is associated with various risks, including a decrease in the efficiency of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. The objective of this research is to determine the evolution of bank deposits in the current economic and financial situation. Analysis methods, relevant statistical sources and specialized articles were used to research the proposed topic ,,The evolution of banking deposits in the current economic-financial conjunction’’ JEL: G21.
At the moment, banks use the traditional financing model, focused on attracting deposits from the population, this being the main form of mobilization of capital and savings currently available. With the appearance and spread of Covid-19 virus, the Republic of Moldova faced extremely severe challenges with negative economic and social consequences. As a result, the activity of the banking system was disrupted, leaving its mark on macroeconomic indicators. Maintaining the long-term growth trend is associated with various risks, including a decrease in the efficiency of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. The objective of this research is to determine the evolution of bank deposits in the current economic and financial situation. Analysis methods, relevant statistical sources and specialized articles were used to research the proposed topic ,,The evolution of banking deposits in the current economic-financial conjunction’’ JEL: G21.
bank, deposits, term, accounts, currency, client