Theoretical and practical aspects of energy security of the Romanian economy in the context of sustainable development

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
GRIBINCEA, Alexandru, POPESCU, Maria. Theoretical and practical aspects of energy security of the Romanian economy in the context of sustainable development = Aspecte teoretice și practice ale securității energetice a economiei României în contextul unei dezvoltări durabile. In: Economic security in the context of sustenable development [online]: The Collection of the International Scientific-Practical Conference, December 11, 2020, ASEM, Chișinău, Moldova. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 10-19. ISBN 978-9975-155-01-4.
The energy policy of the E.U. has constantly adapted to the macroeconomic and geo-strategic realities of the member states policies, in order to provide and ensure security of energy supply, constancy, sustainability and also to guarantee affordable and competitive prices for all the consumers, where as a major beneficiary of energy, still has a vulnerable and unstable position on the global market. The challenges of climate change, supporting development in energy efficiency as a contribution to tempering energy transfer demands, reducing gas emissions, all lead to the development of research, innovation and increasing competitiveness. Energy security is, along with competitiveness and sustainable development, one of the pillars of the energy strategy. Romania must start from a rigorous analysis of what it has, to propose a strategy by 2030, which will correlate national investments with European and global ones, to find the right model in terms of market configuration and internal energy system, to benefit from the development of the interconnection of the gas-energy networks north-south and to build an energy community, which will support the national energy regulators and operators and of transmission systems. JEL: F5, K32, L71, Q43
energy, energy security, alternative sources, hydrocarbon imports, energy policy