Publication: Entrepreneurial Intentions of Youth: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
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BUCOS, Tatiana. Entrepreneurial Intentions of Youth: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. In: Youth entrepreneurship in Eastern Partnership countries: analysis of problems and solutions: monograph / V. Hrosul, I. Kreituss et. – Riga: RISEBA, 2020, pp.46-56. ISBN 978-9984-705-46-0, DOI: 10.32025/RIS18039.
The importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy has determined the measurement of entrepreneurial activity through different indicators. Given the particular importance of attitudes and personal perceptions for entrepreneurial initiative, multiple theoretical and empirical research are focused on the analysis of factors that motivate individuals to entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of the article is to synthesize empirical and theoretical approaches to entrepreneurial motivation. The article makes special reference to statistical data that targets young people's entrepreneurial intentions. At the same time, the article refers to the theoretical models that address the environmental factors and the personal characteristics of individuals as factors impacting the entrepreneurial initiative. In the analysis of impact factors, special attention is paid to education, which is approached as a pull factor of the entrepreneurial intention of young people.
The importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy has determined the measurement of entrepreneurial activity through different indicators. Given the particular importance of attitudes and personal perceptions for entrepreneurial initiative, multiple theoretical and empirical research are focused on the analysis of factors that motivate individuals to entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of the article is to synthesize empirical and theoretical approaches to entrepreneurial motivation. The article makes special reference to statistical data that targets young people's entrepreneurial intentions. At the same time, the article refers to the theoretical models that address the environmental factors and the personal characteristics of individuals as factors impacting the entrepreneurial initiative. In the analysis of impact factors, special attention is paid to education, which is approached as a pull factor of the entrepreneurial intention of young people.
entrepreneurship, youth, entrepreneurial intention, startup, motivation, opportunity, self-perceptions, behavior, knowledge, education