Publication: Measuring the impact of fiscal indicators on the quality of life in the Republic of Moldova
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PÂRȚACHI, Ion, ȘIȘCAN, Natalia. Measuring the impact of fiscal indicators on the quality of life in the Republic of Moldova = Măsurarea impactului indicatorilor fiscali asupra calității vieții în Republica Moldova. In: 30 years of economic reforms in the Republic of Moldova: economic progress via innovation and competitiveness [online]: The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, September 24th-25th, 2021, Chisinau. Chișinău: ASEM, 2022, vol. 3, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-9975-155-66-3.
The quality of life is one of the most important UN-recognized indicators characterizing the level of a country's development. Social policy is recognized as the most significant sphere of interests of modern society and the most important part of the activity of a modern state. Therefore, the problem arises of constructing qualitative forecasts to determine what the level and quality of life will be after the application of managerial influences. The goal of the article is to establish the relationship between economic and social factors. Knowledge of this relationship will allow to take into account the effects arising from changes in economic indicators. Of the many indicators characterizing the quality of life, we selected those that most fully represent the well-being of the population, the quality of the social sphere and education. An econometric model of the relationship between the above indicators and the main fiscal indicators was built. DOI:; CZU: 311.141:330.59(478).
The quality of life is one of the most important UN-recognized indicators characterizing the level of a country's development. Social policy is recognized as the most significant sphere of interests of modern society and the most important part of the activity of a modern state. Therefore, the problem arises of constructing qualitative forecasts to determine what the level and quality of life will be after the application of managerial influences. The goal of the article is to establish the relationship between economic and social factors. Knowledge of this relationship will allow to take into account the effects arising from changes in economic indicators. Of the many indicators characterizing the quality of life, we selected those that most fully represent the well-being of the population, the quality of the social sphere and education. An econometric model of the relationship between the above indicators and the main fiscal indicators was built. DOI:; CZU: 311.141:330.59(478).
quality of life, life expectancy, GDP