Development of the Dual Higher Educational Model Based on Company Needs

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
SIRBU, Olesea, COVAȘ, Lilia, STIHI, Liudmila, SOLCAN, Angela. Development of the Dual Higher Educational Model Based on Company Needs. Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies. June 2022, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 30-49. ISSN 2537-6179, E-ISSN 1857-436X.
The adaptation of higher education in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to the changes taking place in modern society requires the implementation of innovative forms of education of the young generation. The integration of dual education at a higher level of education will allow to effectively combining the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to each context by collaborating with the business environment, thus providing opportunities to capitalize on theoretical skills in the real sector. The article presents the results of a survey of companies needs for dual higher education in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The study is carried out within the Erasmus + COOPERA project "Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine", ref. no. 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. The aim of the project is to integrate dual higher education in partner countries. The study was conducted in 2021 and shows the situation in Ukraine before the war, but we hope that once it is completed it will be possible to return to a normal way of life, and further efforts are needed to restore the devastated economy and educational system. Thus, the identification of the specific needs and requirements of economic agents, as basic partners in dual education in higher education institutions, allowed foreshadowing the opportunities and perspectives for universities and business in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Based on the study, Dual Higher Education Model (DHEM) was developed, which will be used to pilot DHE within ASEM in the 2022 academic year. JEL: I23, I25, L26; DOI:
higher education, dual higher education model, needs from the employment sector, students, university