Priorități pentru dezvoltarea sectorului ÎMM în Republica Moldova

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BALAN, Aliona. Priorități pentru dezvoltarea sectorului ÎMM în Republica Moldova. În: Performanțe într-o economie competitivă: conf. șt. intern., ediția 5-a. Chişinău: IMI-NOVA, 2018, pp. 88-93. ISBN 978-9975-3190-3-4
Currently, the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises plays an important role in the development of a national economy, contributing directly to the formation of the Gross Domestic Product and the creation of new jobs, stimulating competition, increasing exports, promoting innovation and technology. In the Republic of Moldova sector of small business is the barometer of the development of the competitive economy and sustainable, ensuring the creation of new jobs, providing a wide range of goods and services, diversification of economic opportunities of the population. This article aims to highlight the problems existing in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and to identify the priority directions in the development of this sector in the Republic of Moldova. JEL: M21.
sectorul întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii (ÎMM), Produsul Intern Brut (PIB), politica fiscală, politica creditară, creștere economică