Impact of the macroeconomic policies based on the computable general equilibrium model (the case of the Republic of Moldova). Summary of the doctoral thesis in economics.

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Summary of the doctoral thesis in economics. Specialty: 521.01. Economic theory and economic policies. Scientific adviser: Aurelia TOMȘA, dr. of economics, Associate Professor.
ANNOTATION. To the thesis to obtain the scientific degree of doctor in economic sciences “Impact of the macroeconomic policies based on the computable general equilibrium model (the case of the Republic of Moldova)”, Prohnițchi Valeriu, Specialty: 521.01. Economic theory and economic policies, Chisinau, 2021. THESIS STRUCTURE: Introduction, three core chapters, general conclusions and recommendations chapter; bibliography including 116 sources, 14 figures, 39 tables, 21 tabular annexes. Research activities are reflected in 5 scientific publications. RESEARCH GOAL: Development of a coherent conceptual framework and adaptation of an applied mathematical economic model for impact evaluation of macroeconomic policy, with an emphasis on fiscal, trade and structural policies in Republic of Moldova. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Compilation of a set of data coherent in micro-, mezo- and macroeconomic perspective, identification of structural interdependencies in the national economy; adaptation of a quantitative model for evaluation of the policy options; mathematical calibration and econometric estimation of model parameters; ex-ante simulation of the macroeconomic policy shocks and their impact evaluation. SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY AND ORIGINALITY: Deepening of the theoretical and practical research regarding systemic ex-ante impact evaluation of shocks; testing new modalities for integration of the regional economy and of decision-making process in the general equilibrium mechanisms; combination of the calibration and econometric methods for determination of structural and elasticity parameters.
general economic equilibrium, computable general equilibrium model with geographical resolution, Social Accounting Matrix, system of national accounts, impact evaluation