Authority file name of persons: problems and solutions

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HABAŞESCU, Silvia. Authority file name of persons: problems and solutions = Fișierul de autoritate nume de persoane: probleme şi soluţii. In: MISISQ: Implicare. Creativitate. Durabilitate = MISISQ: Involvement. Creativity. Sustainability: materialele conf. intern, 27-28 sept., 2018, Chişinău, Republica Moldova. Bălţi: S. n., 2018, pp. 101- 105. ISBN 978-9975-50-226-9.
The aim of article is elucidation of the steps taken by the university libraries from the Republic of Moldova in the process of establishing the authorized form of the personal name and developing common rules for completing the author registrations based on the existing rules and principles of cataloging and controlling authority on the international level. CZU 025.323.
authority file, authority records, name (heading)