Publication: Leadership and teams relevance under organizational changes
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BILAŞ, Liudmila. Leadership and teams relevance under organizational changes. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 247-252. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.
Based on the research of recognized scholars in the field of leadership and team building, the present article discusses the current issues of company’s high performance under the dynamic changes. The article analyzes various concepts and approaches to the creation of organizations based on leadership and teams. It emphasizes that the development of leadership and teams is the key factor in achieving high performance of organizations in an era of rapid changes driven by innovations. This article aims at looking into the possibility and necessity to realize leadership and team potential in business organizations in order to ensure its high performance under the constantly occurring external changes and challenges. The key tasks of this work are as follows: to analyze current concepts and to define the factors of organizations’ building based on leadership and teams; to make conclusions and draw recommendations for the development of team leadership on a number of enterprises researched in Moldova. The research methods used in this article are the following: systemic and comparative analysis, surveys based on questionnaires and interviews, and linear scale scoring. The article draws conclusions and recommendations on the possibilities for improving the performance of researched enterprises based on leadership and teams’ development. Based on the research conducted by the author on a number of national enterprises, the key conclusion is the following: the leadership and team performance lead to the successful implementation of strategies for adopting business-organizations to rapid changes and for keeping their competitiveness. JEL: 0320, 0310.
Based on the research of recognized scholars in the field of leadership and team building, the present article discusses the current issues of company’s high performance under the dynamic changes. The article analyzes various concepts and approaches to the creation of organizations based on leadership and teams. It emphasizes that the development of leadership and teams is the key factor in achieving high performance of organizations in an era of rapid changes driven by innovations. This article aims at looking into the possibility and necessity to realize leadership and team potential in business organizations in order to ensure its high performance under the constantly occurring external changes and challenges. The key tasks of this work are as follows: to analyze current concepts and to define the factors of organizations’ building based on leadership and teams; to make conclusions and draw recommendations for the development of team leadership on a number of enterprises researched in Moldova. The research methods used in this article are the following: systemic and comparative analysis, surveys based on questionnaires and interviews, and linear scale scoring. The article draws conclusions and recommendations on the possibilities for improving the performance of researched enterprises based on leadership and teams’ development. Based on the research conducted by the author on a number of national enterprises, the key conclusion is the following: the leadership and team performance lead to the successful implementation of strategies for adopting business-organizations to rapid changes and for keeping their competitiveness. JEL: 0320, 0310.
leadership, teams, changes, organizational transformations, leadership style, team types, innovations, business-organization