Publication: Regulatory policies and instruments for ensuring systemic financial stability with an impact on economic performance in European countries and in the Republic of Moldova
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IONAŞ, ANA. Regulatory policies and instruments for ensuring systemic financial stability with an impact on economic performance in European countries and in the Republic of Moldova. In: Competitivitate şi inovare în economia cunoaşterii [online]: conf. șt. intern., ed. a 21-a: Lucrări ştiinţifice, 27-28 sept., 2019. Chişinău: ASEM, 2019, pp. 726-731. ISBN 978-9975-75-968-7.
Financial stability is an attribute of the financial system to deal with various systemic shocks in a solid and sustainable way on a sustainable basis and without affecting decisively, to be able to ensure sufficient allocation of financial resources in the economy and to identify and to effectively reduce financial risks. JEL: G300,G320,G380.
Financial stability is an attribute of the financial system to deal with various systemic shocks in a solid and sustainable way on a sustainable basis and without affecting decisively, to be able to ensure sufficient allocation of financial resources in the economy and to identify and to effectively reduce financial risks. JEL: G300,G320,G380.
financial institution, objectives of financial supervision, performance of supervision, financial supervision, financial system