Publication: Formarea culturii statistice în rândul studenţilor Facultăţii de Știinţe Economice
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HARJA, Eugenia, STÂNGACIU, Oana-Ancuţa. Formarea culturii statistice în rândul studenţilor Facultăţii de Știinţe Economice. Studiu de caz. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: conf. şt. intern., 22-23 sept., 2017: Culegere de articole. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 5, pp. 111-119. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-901-4.
In today's society, the speed of information generated is increasing, and basic statistical knowledge is of particular importance in analyzing the evolution of different phenomena, of causal links in the economy, and influencing the decisions of our actions. There is a great deal of talk about the need to develop a statistical culture among the population. The purpose of this analysis is to capture the level of knowledge in statistics that the students from economic universities have, starting from the premise that they are absolutely indispensable for future economists work. If among them we cannot speak of a statistical culture, then the mass of the population will be much more difficult and distant to achieve. The study was conducted by observing and analyzing the grades obtained by all generations of students starting with the Bologna cycle type and the last 10 generations respectively. The averages were calculated for different disciplines, they were analyzed comparatively by study programs, over time, but also the causal link between them. Thus, it is concluded that there is a very poor link between the grade from baccalaureate and the one from statistics, and the grade from math determines only 28% of the grade from statistics and econometrics. Instead, the grade from statistics determines 55% the grade in econometrics, and the average of the grades in statistics and econometrics determines 55% the overall grade. The good evolution in time leads to the conclusion that the level of culture with regards to statistics has evolved among students. JEL CLASSIFICATION: C22, I21
In today's society, the speed of information generated is increasing, and basic statistical knowledge is of particular importance in analyzing the evolution of different phenomena, of causal links in the economy, and influencing the decisions of our actions. There is a great deal of talk about the need to develop a statistical culture among the population. The purpose of this analysis is to capture the level of knowledge in statistics that the students from economic universities have, starting from the premise that they are absolutely indispensable for future economists work. If among them we cannot speak of a statistical culture, then the mass of the population will be much more difficult and distant to achieve. The study was conducted by observing and analyzing the grades obtained by all generations of students starting with the Bologna cycle type and the last 10 generations respectively. The averages were calculated for different disciplines, they were analyzed comparatively by study programs, over time, but also the causal link between them. Thus, it is concluded that there is a very poor link between the grade from baccalaureate and the one from statistics, and the grade from math determines only 28% of the grade from statistics and econometrics. Instead, the grade from statistics determines 55% the grade in econometrics, and the average of the grades in statistics and econometrics determines 55% the overall grade. The good evolution in time leads to the conclusion that the level of culture with regards to statistics has evolved among students. JEL CLASSIFICATION: C22, I21
statistics, econometrics, regression and correlation, distribution