Education and university research as a factor for improving national security

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Journal Issue
JOMIR, Eudochia, BELOSTECINIC, Grigore. Education and university research as a factor for improving national security = Educația şi cercetarea universitară ca factor de ameliorare a securităţii naţionale. In: Economic Security in the Context of Sustainable Development [online]: The collection of the Online International Scientific-Practical Conference, 2nd Edition, December 17, 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 45-50. ISBN 978-9975-155-73-1.
In the society of knowledge, educated people become the primary capital that contributes to the formation of wealth and the maintenance of national security. We note that progress, prosperity and security are directly related to the country's human capital. Capitalizing on human potential is the essence of society's development, so we can achieve the development of a competitive market economy, increase the well-being of citizens and a high standard of living. The effects of the education system have implications for the whole society, the subject of an educational security strategy becoming a must. JEL: I20, I21.
education, security, security, research, digitization